International Wind Art in Northern Hesse
7th wind art festival “moving wind” – "between"
Aug. 17th - 31th 2014
Windpark Söhrewald / Schenkelsberg in Kassel-Oberzwehren
On the subject of "between" the 7th art competition was announced and 140 submissions from 24 countries arrived. Nearly 60 exhibits were selected. Even the exhibition venues with the wind park Söhrewald and the "Schenkelsberg" in Kasse l- Oberzwehren offered contrasts between urban landscapes, forest paths and distant views. The landscape exhibition showed wind objects, installations, performances and videos. Wind towers, Tornado sculptures, a relocated heart, huge QR codes, audio installations, waving black and white areas, cocoons between networks and so much more could be seen. Even the moment between life and death could be found in the winners work "To remember" of Hannah Streefkerk, an impressive silent work. Wind art is staged in the landscape of Hesse and invites to discoveries between contemporary art and the natural element wind. Organizer of the art competition and landscape exhibition is "moved wind" - registered association for the promotion of wind art and intercultural communication together with partners and helpers. Every two years the wind art festival takes place at different venues. The aim is to focus the Wind Art as fascinating and varied metaphor and offer art experiences in and with nature to create a platform for international wind art and initiate collaborations.
Many thanks to the committed photographers for the wonderful photos:
Anke Sauer / Bele Kreiss / Dorothea Kirsch / Gabriele Nippel / Heidi Preiss / Karin Franzisky / Kerstin Thon / Marcel Kopp / Monika Steiner / Sabine Lutter / Stefan Menkel / Reta Reinl / Uwe Thon / Vagaram Choudhary / Wigand & Löre Bürgener / Winfried Junker-Schönfelder / Yair Kira //
With kind support of:
SUN - Stadtwerkeunion Nordhessen // Kassel - documenta Stadt, Umwelt- und Gartenamt // Kasseler Sparkasse // Bundesverband WindEnergie // Städtische Werke AG // art regio- SV Sparkassenversicherung // wpd - think energy // Baureka // delta Waldeck-Frankenberg GmbH // Landkreis Kassel//

The winners of the 7th International Art Competition
The competition theme "between" manifested itself in many different ways during the 7th Wind Art Festival. Already the exhibition venues at the Söhrewald wind farm and on the Schenkelsberg in Kassel-Oberzwehren offered contrasts between cityscapes, forest paths and farsightedness.
The thematic implementation of the almost 60 artists showed in an attractive and differentiated way how the artists' language and working style have taken up the task. It was exactly these small situations "in between" that sometimes made one hold one's breath in order to catch even the slightest wind movement in the work of art. During the tours of the exhibition one could talk about art, weather and the places to which art had lured. One could experience art in Kassel at places that otherwise stand for other themes. Discovering new districts, forest paths and wind aspects are desired side effects. The TalkWalk of the walking researcher Bertram Weisshaar is a permanent offer.

The venues of the exhibition bewegter wind 2014
Kassel-Oberzwehren: Schenkelsberg
Wind farm Söhrewald
Since 2004, we have been working on providing new art, wind and nature experiences in ever new places in Northern Hesse.
Thanks to our long-standing sponsors and active supporters, the festival, which is unique in Germany, is free of charge for visitors and offers the artists an excellent opportunity for presentation.
Our Sponsors 2014
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1st prize: „to remember“ by Hannah Streefkerk (Sweden)
This work was convincing in everything. The correspondence with the place and at the same time the clear demarcation as an artificial intervention. Through a density and strong presence, especially without force and spatial intervention.
Like an undertow, the viewer is drawn into a miniature world on the forest floor, where the delicate work unfolds.
With great sensitivity for the material, the leaves are reproduced in the same way as natural leaves and carefully fixed to the forest floor. The workmanship and implementation of the idea of the work is convincing. To conserve the transience as an artistic visualization and thus to poetically tell about remembering has succeeded here convincingly.
Here art was created as an independent answer to nature.
In all three award-winning works, the poetry of the idea as well as the implementation has particularly touched us.

2nd prize: „Live between live“ by Burkhart Uliczka (Germany)
In a cleared section of forest not far from the wind turbine, young willow trees unfold as a small artificial protection. The willows are prepared with shimmering, blank metal spheres, in which the forest, the willows themselves but also the observer is reflected. These spheres are anchored in the willows in such a way that they grow into a unity with the tree and the filigree willow leaves are reflected in the bare outer skin of the spheres, which gives this work a certain magic.
Nature and artificial intervention interweave in this work to form a harmonious unity.

3rd prize: „between black and white“ by Anke SauerAnke Sauer (Germany)
Anke Sauer has created a very present space in a restrained manner with simple means, which is artificial and yet corresponds with the direct surroundings. She has used the space for the technical necessities, but the technique of tensioning recedes completely into the background and the delicate material of the threads can move and unfold freely. The space created by the white and black threads absorbs even the slightest breath of wind and is in constant motion. An intermediate space is created, a constantly changing intermediate state, a moving poetic space that enchants and touches the viewer.